Sunday, October 20, 2013

Welcome! (Eck! My First Blog post!!)

Hello! and Welcome to My Extremely Un-Ordinary Life and I mean that both ways, when you clicked on my blog you not only have entered the craziness that is my life but you also get to read about it! You may be thinking "why in the world would I want to listen to this girl talk about her life?" and while I completely agree with you I was reminded that people do like to hear about others peoples lives, I mean hello has anyone seen Facebook or Twitter lately? Its like a soap opera!! The reason I started this blog was because my  Educational Technology Teacher made it an assignment. Now that I have actually started it. I really kinda like having a blog. I was very worried about how I would actually do with having a blog since I'm kind of a perfectionists, it has taken me since Wednesday to fix this post enough that I feel comfortable to post it..

I'll tell you a little about my self I am a Junior Education Major (K-6)  at Henderson State University. Ever since I was little I always wanted to change the world, I joined every club possible to make my mark, to make a difference. when I hit my senior year I was dead set on Psychology, I wanted to be a counselor I want to help people express their feelings in healthy ways just like mine did for me. However, I learned late into my summer before college that if I ever wanted to really change the world, and I mean really change it not just some quick fix. I needed to invest my time in something way more important. Our Future. The kids of this generation are the future, they are the ones that will take our jobs and be our governors, military men, police men, and presidents. That is how I ended up with teaching. That is my way to change the world way after I'm gone. I want to get my masters in School Counseling and Hopefull a degree in Play Therapy in the future.

 I moved to college from a very amazing little town in Northeast Arkansas it had about 700 people in it, at most. I loved it, it was sorta like living in a fish bowel in a way. Everybody knew your business before you did. I have an amazing family, when I say amazing I mean amazing, we never let a little rain ruin our fun, when I say that I mean that for real. My family literally dances in the rain.

 (This was a couple years ago at my cousins wedding when it started to rain but we keep with the fun!)

My parents are the best supporter of my decisions in life and they have always been, they support me in going to college football games and even in my aspirations in life. They are hands down the best most amazing people I have ever met. Even my little brother is a big aspect of my life. I may fight and argue but I would never be the role model or leader that I am today with out him.

Now I want to introduce you to my Christian family. These people are my rock, my home away from home, these are the people you call at 1 in the morning when you need something. when I met them I knew that my time here would be a good one. we have done so much together from doing the Little Rock half-marathon to helping clean up peoples yard. I have grown not only as a Christian but as a human just by knowing them.

(here is a few of us cleaning up trees-top and my second momma that I finished the Half-Marathon with-bottom)

Last but not least I cant forget my work family, I have the amazing pleasure to work in the Multi-Media Learning Center at Henderson. I love my work family, they get on my nerves daily but they make working there so much fun. We have a sort of twisted humor. (below is our recent sign we put up)

As you can tell I can tell I have an amazing, blessed, crazy, Extremely Un-Ordinary Life and I am loving every minute of it, so click that follow button up there and join me in this crazy roller-coaster ride we call life. :)
